Bowen Technique IN BIDEFORD, DEVON


Bowen Technique is a gentle yet powerful set of moves over connective tissue to help re-align the body.

It is safe to use on all age groups, from newborns to the elderly.

The moves send neurological impulses to the brain to help to adjust tension levels and stimulate the body's own healing powers to re-balance. This can have a profound effect on relieving pain not only physically, but emotionally too.


An essential part of a Bowen session is the pauses between moves (where the therapist leaves the room) which allows the brain time to integrate and process the signals received.

The pressure used is almost always less than you expect. Bowen therapy doesn't need to use force or painful manipulation to bring about many changes in your body.

how does bowen technique work?

Bowen works mainly via the autonomic nervous system and helps the body to attain deep relaxation over the following week or so after treatment.

2-3 sessions a week apart is often enough - more complex issues can take longer.


Please use the menus to browse through my website pages to learn more about the therapies I offer. If you would like to book an appointment, you can call me on 07899 947226 or if you prefer to send an email, please use the enquiry form below and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. I look forward to helping you change the way you feel!

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